Monday, June 24, 2013

My friend Lynn Masters Athlete of the Year!

I’ve got lots of talented friends and it’s always a joy to be able to write a bit about some of them particularly when they get acknowledged for their accomplishments. 

This time I get to share the news that my friend Lynn Rodgers has been selected as Burlington Female Masters Athlete of the Year.  I’ve been swimming BMSC with Lynn for a few years, we compete in some of the same events, we both like breaststroke, I usually take the 50m, Lynn the 200m and the 100 can be anyones game and a good race.  It’s great to have competitive friends, they push you and you can high five & hug after win or lose.  Lynn has also gotten into open water swimming and really excelled.  She won the LOST race in 2011 and in 2012 she went to Key West and won the Female Masters division of the 20k.  Over the years I’ve come to know and like her family too, husband Kevin, daughter Mia and son Cameron.  They are a great bunch I'm happy to call friends.

Congrats Lynn on the Masters Swimmer of the Year award! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bill catches me

Bill turns 40 and catches up to me...
I don't think he ever thought I'd get him a bike for his birthday.  Hope you enjoy the ride to old age together with me...
Love Mel