After sitting on pins and needles a bit yesterday and this morning while a strong wind warning was in effect, we have gotten word that as of now we are a go for tonight at midnight. So that is midnight Thursday aka 12am Friday, from Lakeside Park in Port Dalhousie!
This may be my last blog although I have tons of emotions and thoughts to share, I don't think I could sit still long enough to share them all!
But I did want to tell you how to track the swim and get twitter updates:
Accipiter Radar is proudly tracking the crossing and posting twitter updates from crew at - So follow along! - I guess I'll be a very slow moving dot :)
And we finish in Coronation Park (the east/north side), in Oakville sometime Friday... Find my mom, in a bright orange event T-shirt, and get yours! Also Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, hopes to be there too! Raising more money for them would be the cherry on top, so they can do Great things to help our Great Lake! Thank you to all who have made donations so far and for all the support!!
Honestly I was feeling overwhelmed with emotions earlier, until we went out to see the Lake this morning. She looked beautiful! She wasn't actually calm, but she didn't look angry either, she looked purposeful, and I started to feel how she looked! So here we go!!
Your thoughts keep me strong, friends! I love you!
Melanie Price
happy crossing and have fun!
ReplyDeleteMissed this until just now. Thanks!