Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lows (not that low) and highs (I sure can't complain)

Last weekend I was a little sad to be on the sidelines.  Many of my friends were in Ottawa at the Provincial Masters Swimming Championship or running in the Around the Bay.  I was watching people run by and checking result (stocking as Cadence calls it), missing the internal race excitement.
I also felt sad about a tough decision I made, to drop out of the ITU world championship long distance triathlon next November in Nevada.  I had been working on making a budget for my swim (ouch) and the cost of Nevada isn't cheap either; plus with the concentration on swimming until mid August, getting myself prepared for Nevada's distance would be tight; but more than that I wouldn't be at a level to perform the way I'd like; it's not a "just finish" type race...
Well there wasn't much time to dwell, things started hopping for my swim.  The Tri Club of Burlington (TCOB) was hosting a fit fair TriFairbrochure.pdf this Saturday, and I was involved in helping with Burlington Masters Swim Club (BMSC)'s swim skills workshop, and through this connection I enquired about putting a flier about my swim into the "fit kit" they were distributing to all participants.  They agreed.  Now I just had to make some fliers.  
Thankfully, UPS in Westdale Village (Hamilton) sponsored me for my printing!  This was an amazing contribution.  Also upon TCoB president's suggestion I approached Team Aquatics Supplies (TAS) about putting up a "poster" at their booth at the expo.  They said they'd be honoured (so sweet!)  So I designed a poster and UPS printed it up for me too.  I pushed it a little further and TAS will be providing me with some caps and a swimsuit with TAS logo for the swim,,, pretty cool!

As a topper, Tom had a picture of me from after Louisville Ironman at his Wedgie booth.

And finally, I did my weekend 10k swim on Sunday instead, and when the pain started to creep into my shoulder at 7.5 k, I focused on my body position (as Dave was stressing at the swim session) and was able to feel good right through to the end!!
Here's the link to the poster: Poster pdf

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