Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life, as I once knew it, returns

September means Cadence is back to school and back to swimming!  After a pretty lazy summer, I think she was ready!
Also this September, little Dahlia started junior kindergarten.  She is adjusting to the new routine much easier than I thought.  My baby is growing up!  
I'm back coaching novice swimming.  I struggle to do the arm circles with the kids (but it's coming).  Monday and Wednesday are chaos as Bill and Cadence swim and I coach (all at different locations & times), so we are running all over the city, but we've managed to make it work (so far).  Of course swimming lessons for Dahlia are offered on Mondays or Saturdays - I prefer the weeknight because lots comes up on weekends, but Monday just isn't doable, so she will start this Saturday!

Even though we are back into a "regular" routine, the crossing is still pretty fresh in my mind.  The start of the HAC season (Cadence's swimming and my coaching) has meant many congrats and enquiries about the swim.  I particularly like it when the novice kids ask questions about it.  They have some great questions and I can see the potential for it to inspire some of them, which is a totally incredible feeling!!
HAC also got a write-up about my swim in SportsXpress magazine - check out the latest issue!  http://hamiltonsportsxpress.ca/2011/08/14/hamilton-aquatic-clubs-novice-coach-melanie-price-conquers-lake-ontario/ and in magazine form in this web flipbook: http://hamiltonsportsxpress.ca/Hamilton/wp-content/plugins/page-flip-image-gallery/popup.php?book_id=7
We had the crew party (see previous blog: http://melaniepriceadventures.blogspot.com/2011/09/crew-party.html) A very special evening!

My family doctor also made a big fuss about me, the other day while in the waiting room, completely embarrassing me, but in a good way!  Although there for Dahlia's needles, I managed to get my doctor to book an ultrasound for my shoulders (so mid Oct I should have a better idea what the diagnosis is)
Solo Swims of Ontario (SSO) who oversees Lake Ontario crossings has now ratified my swim and has it listed on the site: http://www.soloswims.com/swims-ontario-other.htm.  There will be an awards luncheon on October 1st, when I will get my certificate!  

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper (LOW) just posted a little story about my swim: http://www.waterkeeper.ca/2011/09/20/the-lake-ontario-crossing-that-almost-wasnt/  Allie (from LOW) was there at the finish and I love hearing the stories of what it was like witnessing and waiting for me to complete the crossing.  LOW has helped me to learn more about some of the environmental challenges that face the Lake and I hope to continue to be able to help them, work with them and learn from them (they are investigating holding a "shorter" swim race/challenge in the Lake, and I would love to take part and help with some of the organization of the event, hopefully it will be possible next summer)  In the mean time, donations to LOW are still possible through my giving page at: http://www.canadahelps.org/gp/11261 and much appreciated!

I am including the questions Allie asked me (and the team) to help her write her story above and my responses because I think they get to the heart and express my feelings about the crossing quite well:

How long have you been swimming in Lake Ontario 

I have been swimming regularly in Lake Ontario since 2009.  I started swimming in Lake O with the Lake Ontario Swim Team (LOST) in training for my 1st Ironman.  I have come to recognize that the variables one faces in training in Lake Ontario are invaluable experience and preparation for almost anything a triathlete/open-water racer may have to contend with on race/event day.  I also thoroughly enjoy being out in the Lake, it offers me peace, yet it challenges me.  It brings me closer to nature and gives me a chance to reflect on my day or de-stress.  It is wonderful!

What is your earliest memory on the lake?

I swam in the Lake in 1995 as part of a relay swim crossing and am sorry it took me so long to come back to it.  Back then though the Lake was definitely not considered a safe/clean place to swim (especially where I am in Hamilton).  It has been great to see its swimming use increase even just since 2009! (Thanks largely to the efforts of LOW)

Why did you decide to do /be a part of a Lake Ontario crossing this year?  

I decided I wanted to do a marathon swim as my next big challenge and easily decided to make it in Lake Ontario, my backyard!  It just made sense, and when I connected with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, it gave the swim purpose too!

Biggest surprise during the lake crossing?  

The power of a team!  Truly amazing what having them there with me did at the end - it gave me the strength to keep fighting!  Each one of them played a very important part and I can't thank them all enough!
Biggest challenge during the lake crossing? 

My biggest challenges were: 
  1. Training for it – beside the physical demands, there were sacrifices!  I was a slave to the pool schedule during the winter, with my family, work and coaching commitments I found it very inflexible - my family took the biggest hit; and once in the open-water for my own safety I needed to have someone with me while I trained in the Lake, so I needed help and again scheduling was difficult
  2. Finishing it - when I was tired near the end, I hit a strong current and I didn’t think I could do it!  I almost gave up with less than a mile to go!
  3. And in case Fiona doesn’t say it, also organizing it – it is no small task!
How were the challenges overcome?
  1. My family was selfless, they picked up my slack at home and with little complaint.  They understood and accepted my time away training and managed to keep MY big goal in mind.  Also, I had wonderful people (friends, family and even some strangers) volunteer to kayak with me while I trained in the Lake and take care of our kids when required.
  2. My team (see biggest surprise question above), as well as some chocolate and digging deep within myself, I decided not to give-up (at least not yet) this all contributed to eventually touching the other side of land
  3. Having Fiona as manager, as well as many other volunteers, helped pull the whole thing off!
All challenges had a real positive side to them as they reinforced how lucky I am to have such great special people in my life and my bond with these people grew and was strengthened and I built some new/renewed relationships as a result of these challenges and the whole experience, getting much more out of it then expected!

Best part of the lake crossing? 

I can't name just one thing, but to mention a few of my favorite parts: 
  • finishing it and seeing how far I could push myself 
  • having such an amazing team and building relationship with my supporters and volunteers, who gave me so much strength and encouragement to help me get across (in the water/on land, during/before and after the crossing)  Thank you all! 
  • seeing my friends and family take to the water also has been great!   Many of my pacers had not been swimming in Lake Ontario prior to this year (as far as I know, Petra, Denyse, Fiona, as well Jennifer Fisher (lifeguard) only started swimming in Lake O because of the crossing).  After one of our practice pacing sessions Petra said “I can see why you love it”; it was so special to me that she enjoyed it and that we could share it together!  One of the boat captains (Tyler - a pool swimmer) took his 1stdip during the crossing and just told me the other day he went again.  My oldest daughter (Cadence - a pool swimmer) went in for the 1st time one day after kayaking with me for training. She overcame a fear of open water and actually enjoyed it!  Sharing my love of it outweighs the physical achievement!
  • raising awareness and funds for Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and learning more about Lake Ontario and the environmental issues it faces have been definite positive parts of the crossing experience!

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