After being sick at the end of February and feeling set back in my training, especially approaching the Around the Bay 30k running race coming up this Sunday, I had a very positive longer (relatively speaking) run on Saturday (St Paddy's Day). It was an enjoyable 19k run at a respectable pace, that didn't kill me, which gave me back some confidence too. The pace also confirms that my treadmill is not in sync, as this pace was more than a minute per km faster then what I've been doing on the treadmill and not physically any harder...
Because of work hours and the kids I hadn't been able to get outside for training (this time of year, the schedule dictates me to indoor training) and hadn't been able to train in the incredible weather we have been having until last Saturday morning. Saturday wasn't quite as warm as some other days and it was a bit drizzly, but still enjoyable and comfortable with pants, a jacket and toque (the way it should be this time of year). Although this warm weather is nice, it does have me concerned regarding the environment...
So I got out to run, went down to the path along the Red Hill Expressway and just ran. I went across the walking bridge over the QEW and for the 1st time on this route, I kept going and connected up with the waterfront path and ran along by the water; with a great view of Lake Ontario. I was filled with a wonderful feeling just from seeing the rough waters; even though it was overcast, I thought it was beautiful! It also brought up some great memories, that added a little skip to my step. And maybe that was what gave me the extra energy to negative split my run back?

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